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Shield Car Robot for Arduino - Seeed

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Price €15.20 Regular price €19.00

Shield Bot is an easy-to-use, entry-level robotics platform that helps you get into the world of robotics. With this kit you can build a line follower robot in a few minutes using the library and code provided.


3pi robot - Polulu

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Price €24.75 Regular price €49.50

The Pololu 3pi Robot is a complete, high-performance mobile platform with two micro metal geared motors, five reflectance sensors, an 8×2 character LCD, a doorbell and three user buttons , all connected to a C-programmable ATmega328 AVR microcontroller. Capable of speeds in excess of 3 feet per second, the 3pi is a great first robot for ambitious beginners and a perfect second robot for those looking to evolve from non-programmable or slower starter robots.


Capacitive Fingerprint Reader - WaveShare

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Price €60.06 Regular price €75.07

The Reader of Capacitive Fingerprint is a Module of Fingerprint standard designed for Secondary Development, allows a Verification of Fingerprint Fast and Stable.

Based on a STM32F105R8 High Speed ​​Digital Processor, combined with high security commercial Fingerprint Algorithm and advanced semiconductor sensor, the capacitive fingerprint reader becomes a simple yet intelligent integration module, providing features such as registration digital printing, image processing, resource location, model generation and storage, fingerprint matching and research, etc.


EL wire -Red

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Price €8.22 Regular price €10.28

EL wire -Red


EL wire -Blue

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Price €4.00 Regular price €5.00

EL wire -Blue