BC327-25 Transistor
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A BC327-25 Transistor.
Switch and amplify your electronic signals in high power applications with the help of this kit! Includes the IRFZ44N, IRF540N, IRFP460, FQP47P06, IRL540, IRLZ44, NTP60N06L, FQP27P06, an isolated port with IGB 17A high speed bipolar transistor.
TIP2955 - PNP Power Transistor
2N5485 - JFET N Channel
MOSFET IRF520 100V 9,7A
MOSFET 2N7000 TO-92 N-Channel
Sonoff BasicZBR3 is the first Sonoff ZigBee DIY smart switch that connects the SmartThings hub to control all devices connected via SmartThing APP on iOS / Android phones to access rooms, scenes, members or automations mode to build a smart home.
The Device is an NPN Transistor manufactured using plan technology thus obtaining a high performance device.