Basic LCD 16x2 red letters and black background 3.3V
In StockBasic LCD 16x2 red letters and black background 3.3V
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Basic LCD 16x2 red letters and black background 3.3V
LCD Gráfico 128x64 STN LED Backlight
128x64 Lcd With Blue Background.
This 4-digit 7-segment shield has 5 buttons that can be used as menu selection buttons or control buttons, using I2C to conduct the digital call.
Digital Voltmeter 12Vdc LED Panel with Capacity, from ProK.
The Car Ring: Bit is a small smart DIY car driven by the Micro: Bit of the BBC and Ring: Bit. The Ring: Bit extends the 3 GPIO ports of the Micro: Bit and allows different sensors and components to be easily connected to the Micro: Bit.
The ElecFreaks Kit Basic Micro:Bit is a Basic Level Kit. The 5 most common Electrical Modules, which can be easily connected to the Micro:Bit via Basic:Bit. This kit can help students learn how to quickly build their Micro:Bit projects. These Modules can be directly triggered by Makecode. No need to add any extra packages. It is helpful for students to understand the use of these electrical modules from their principle.
The serial enabled LCD allows you to control a parallel based LCD over a single-wire serial interface. Included in this product is a white on black 16x2 LCD connected to a serial backpack.