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ITDB02-1.8SP Módulo Shield Display LCD TFT 1.8" para Arduino

17,97 €
21,14 €

(SEM IVA 14.61€)


ITBD02-1.8SP é um módulo LCD TFT de 1.8" com 65K cores e resolução de 128 x 160. 

Não há produtos suficientes em stock

O ITBD02-1.8SP é um módulo LCD TFT de 1.8" com 65K cores e resolução 128 x 160. A interface do display é serial, por isso só precisa de 5 fios (CS, RS, SCL, SDA, RST) para o controlo. O controlador deste Módulo LCD é o ST7735.

O ITDB02-1.8SP é suportado pela livraria UTFT. 

• Resolução: 128 x 160;
• Interface: serial;
• Tipo do ecrã: não tátil;
• Controlador: ST7735;
• Tamanho: 1.8";
• Dimensões da placa: 50 x 37mm;
• Peso: 30g. 

Possível Esquema de Ligação:

Código Exemplo: 

/* ===============================================================================
      Project: Weather Reporter: Temboo, Ethernet, Arduino
        Title: ARDUINO MASTER: Get temperature from Yahoo using Temboo
  Arduino IDE: 1.6.0
       Description: The following sketch was designed for the Arduino MASTER device. 
               It will retrieve temperature/weather information from Yahoo using your
               Temboo account (, which will then be sent to the
               Arduino Slave device to be displayed on a TFT LCD module.
   Libraries : Ethernet Library (that comes with Arduino IDE)
               Temboo Arduino Library -
   Temboo Library installation instructions for Arduino: 

  You will also need to copy your Temboo Account information into a new tab and call it TembooAccount.h.
  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Dhcp.h>
#include <Dns.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetClient.h>
#include <Temboo.h>
#include "TembooAccount.h" // Contains Temboo account information - in a new tab.
#include <Wire.h>

byte ethernetMACAddress[] = ETHERNET_SHIELD_MAC;   //ETHERNET_SHIELD_MAC variable located in TembooAccount.h
EthernetClient client;

String Address = "Perth, Western Australia";     // Find temperature for Perth, Western Australia
String Units = "c";                              // Display the temperature in degrees Celcius

String ForeCastDay[7];                           //String Array to hold the day of the week              
String ForeCastTemp[7];                          //String Array to hold the temperature for that day of week.

int counter1=0;                                  //Counters used in FOR-LOOPS.
int counter2=0;

boolean downloadTemp = true;                     // A boolean variable which controls when to query Yahoo for Temperature information.

void setup() {
  Wire.begin();           // join i2c bus : Used to communicate to the Arduino SLAVE device. 
  // Ethernet shield must initialise properly to continue with sketch.
  if (Ethernet.begin(ethernetMACAddress) == 0) {
  //Provide some time to get both Arduino's ready for Temperature Query.

void loop() {
  if (downloadTemp) {
    downloadTemp=false;     //Stop Arduino from Querying Temboo repeatedly
    getTemperature();       //Retrieve Temperature data from Yahoo
    transmitResults();      //Transmit the temperature results to the Slave Arduino

/* This function will Query Yahoo for Temperature information (using a Temboo account) */

void getTemperature(){
    TembooChoreo GetWeatherByAddressChoreo(client);

    // Invoke the Temboo client

    // Set Temboo account credentials
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.setAccountName(TEMBOO_ACCOUNT);        //TEMBOO_ACCOUNT variable can be found in TembooAccount.h file or tab
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.setAppKeyName(TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME);    //TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME variable can be found in TembooAccount.h file or tab
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.setAppKey(TEMBOO_APP_KEY);             //TEMBOO_APP_KEY variable can be found in TembooAccount.h file or tab

    // Set Choreo inputs
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.addInput("Units", Units);              // Set the Units to Celcius
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.addInput("Address", Address);          // Set the Weather Location to Perth, Western Australia

    // Identify the Choreo to run

    // This output filter will extract the expected temperature for today
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.addOutputFilter("Temperature", "/rss/channel/item/yweather:condition/@temp", "Response");
    // These output filters will extract the forecasted temperatures (we need to know the day and temperature for that day)
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.addOutputFilter("ForeCastDay", "/rss/channel/item/yweather:forecast/@day", "Response");
    GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.addOutputFilter("ForeCastHigh", "/rss/channel/item/yweather:forecast/@high", "Response");

    // Run the Choreo;;

    //Reset our counters before proceeding
    counter1 = 0;
    counter2 = 0;
    while(GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.available()) {
      // This will get the first part of the output
      String name = GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.readStringUntil('x1F');
      name.trim(); // get rid of newlines

      // This will get the second part of the output
      String data = GetWeatherByAddressChoreo.readStringUntil('x1E');
      data.trim(); // get rid of newlines

      //Fill the String Arrays with the Temperature/Weather data
      if (name == "Temperature") {
        ForeCastDay[counter1] = "Today";
        ForeCastTemp[counter2] = data;
        ForeCastDay[counter1] = data;
        ForeCastTemp[counter2] = data;
    //Close the connection to Temboo website
  /* This function is used to transmit the temperature data to the Slave Arduino */
  void transmitResults(){
    char tempData[10];
    int tempStringLength = 0;
    //Modify the current temp to "Now"
    ForeCastDay[0] = "Now";
    //Send * to Slave Arduino to prepare for Temperature Transmission
    Wire.beginTransmission(4);  // Transmit to device #4  (Slave Arduino)
    //Send the temperatures on the Slave Arduino to be displayed on the TFT module.
    for (int j=0; j<20; j++){
      for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
        memset(tempData,0,sizeof(tempData));   //Clear the character array
        String tempString = String(ForeCastDay[i] + "," + ForeCastTemp[i] + ".");
        tempStringLength = tempString.length();
        tempString.toCharArray(tempData, tempStringLength+1);
        Wire.beginTransmission(4);  // Transmit to device #4  (Slave Arduino)
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // You can use this to send temperature results to the Serial Monitor.
    // However, you will need a Serial.begin(9600); statement in setup().
    Serial.println("The Current Temperature is " + ForeCastTemp[5] + " C");
    Serial.println("The Expected Temperature for");
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++){
      Serial.println(ForeCastDay[i] + " : " + ForeCastTemp[i] + " C");
    ---------------------------------------------------------- */

→ Datasheet

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