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Leitor RFID com USB - Sparkfun

14,73 €
17,32 €

(SEM IVA 11.97€)


Leitor USB RFID é uma base USB para série, simples de usar, para leitores ID-3LA, ID-12LA e ID-20LA. 

Desconto de quantidade

Quantidade Preço Poupa
3 14,58 € Até 0,44 €
5 14,28 € Até 2,21 €
10 13,99 € Até 7,36 €
Disponível Loja Gaia e Online (Envio 24h)

O Leitor USB RFID é uma base USB para série, simples de usar, para leitores ID-3LA, ID-12LA e ID-20LA. Simplesmente ligue um leitor aos conectores e junte um cabo miniUSB. Abra um programa de terminal à sua escolha em 9600bps 8N1, de seguida, digitalize a sua etiqueta ID de 125kHz  e o ID exclusivo de 32 bits será mostrado no ecrã. A unidade é baseada num chip FTDI e vem com um LED de leitura e uma campainha.  

Esta nova revisão usa conectores SMD para o módulo RFID e tem um jumper de solda que permite ativar ou desativar a campainha.

Nota: Este produto não inclui o leitor RFID.  

Dimensões: 3,6 x 3 x 1,5cm.

→ Esquema
→ Tutorial 

Esquema de Ligação:

Código Exemplo: 

RFID-powered lockbox
This sketch will move a servo when
a trusted tag is read with the
ID-12/ID-20 RFID module
Pinout for SparkFun RFID USB Reader
Arduino ----- RFID module
Pinout for SparkFun RFID Breakout Board
Arduino ----- RFID module
D2 D0
Connect the servo's power, ground, and
signal pins to VCC, GND,
and Arduino D9
If using the breakout, you can also 
put an LED & 330 ohm resistor between
the RFID module's READ pin and GND for
a "card successfully read" indication
by acavis, 3/31/2015
Inspired by & partially adapted from
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Servo.h>
// Choose two pins for SoftwareSerial
SoftwareSerial rSerial(2, 3); // RX, TX
// Make a servo object
Servo lockServo;
// Pick a PWM pin to put the servo on
const int servoPin = 9;
// For SparkFun's tags, we will receive 16 bytes on every
// tag read, but throw four away. The 13th space will always
// be 0, since proper strings in Arduino end with 0
// These constants hold the total tag length (tagLen) and
// the length of the part we want to keep (idLen),
// plus the total number of tags we want to check against (kTags)
const int tagLen = 16;
const int idLen = 13;
const int kTags = 4;
// Put your known tags here!
char knownTags[kTags][idLen] = {
// Empty array to hold a freshly scanned tag
char newTag[idLen];
void setup() {
// Starts the hardware and software serial ports
// Attaches the servo to the pin
// Put servo in locked position
void loop() {
// Counter for the newTag array
int i = 0;
// Variable to hold each byte read from the serial buffer
int readByte;
// Flag so we know when a tag is over
boolean tag = false;
// This makes sure the whole tag is in the serial buffer before
// reading, the Arduino can read faster than the ID module can deliver!
if (rSerial.available() == tagLen) {
tag = true;
if (tag == true) {
while (rSerial.available()) {
// Take each byte out of the serial buffer, one at a time
readByte =;
/* This will skip the first byte (2, STX, start of text) and the last three,
ASCII 13, CR/carriage return, ASCII 10, LF/linefeed, and ASCII 3, ETX/end of
text, leaving only the unique part of the tag string. It puts the byte into
the first space in the array, then steps ahead one spot */
if (readByte != 2 && readByte!= 13 && readByte != 10 && readByte != 3) {
newTag[i] = readByte;
// If we see ASCII 3, ETX, the tag is over
if (readByte == 3) {
tag = false;

// don't do anything if the newTag array is full of zeroes
if (strlen(newTag)== 0) {
else {
int total = 0;
for (int ct=0; ct < kTags; ct++){
total += checkTag(newTag, knownTags[ct]);
// If newTag matched any of the tags
// we checked against, total will be 1
if (total > 0) {
// Put the action of your choice here!
// I'm going to rotate the servo to symbolize unlocking the lockbox
else {
// This prints out unknown cards so you can add them to your knownTags as needed
Serial.print("Unknown tag! ");
// Once newTag has been checked, fill it with zeroes
// to get ready for the next tag read
for (int c=0; c < idLen; c++) {
newTag[c] = 0;
// This function steps through both newTag and one of the known
// tags. If there is a mismatch anywhere in the tag, it will return 0,
// but if every character in the tag is the same, it returns 1
int checkTag(char nTag[], char oTag[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < idLen; i++) {
if (nTag[i] != oTag[i]) {
return 0;
return 1;